
今天是我的博班生涯很特別的一天,我修完全部的課了~:P 我的系所叫教育領導與政策研究,在台灣應該就是教育行政,這是專門開給在職的教育人士,如校長、學區行政人員、未來的教育政策人員等。而身為一個國際生兼本地生,我拿的是國際生獎學金,大概涵蓋整個學程的一半學費,其他的呢,就自籌囉~我必修90學分,如果是全職學生或是沒有意外,基本上是三年/九個學季(quarter)內可以修完,一學季修兩門課共八學分。

It's a special day for my doctoral studies. I finally finished all my coursework!!! I study at the dept of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies and it's also called Educational Administration in Taiwan. The program is for working professionals in the education realm including principals, district officiers or future policy-related personnel. As an international student and a domestic student, I got the international student scholarship which covers about half of my tuitions. The rest, I'll have to figure out on my own. I'm required to take 90 credits and if one is a full-time student, usually it takes about 3 years/9 quarters to complete them. We take 8 credits which is two courses each quarter.
But, I need to work and make my tuition, adding on-site experiences and eliminate my stress while working and studying, I only took one course in a few quarters. I also had a leave of absence in 2018. Therefore, it took me that long to complete my courses in my second quarter of the fourth year. I took Survey Design and Counseling Addictive Behaviors, which are both my interests and helpful for my future. My seniors were right, it would get easier as I go along and students would know better about time management and the tricks of studies. (You may follow my channel and there will be an episode on my experience coming soon. If you have questions, you can comment or DM me. I can also make another episode for you.)
📝 我的心得
✅ 調配自己的讀書速度,身心健康最重要
✅ 堅持自己的信仰/信念,你念書的目的是什麼?
✅ 正視自己的感受,學習認識跟接受自己
📝 What I learned?
✅ Pace yourself in the studies. Physical & mental health matter the most.
✅ Hold onto your faith/convictions of why you're studying.
✅ Value how you feel and learn to know and accept who you are.

After a weekend of class, yes, Friday night 5-9pm and today 9a-4:30p, and my final exam which was better than my midterm, I finished my last class among all counseling students. I was the only one who was non-counseling major. Now, I will be focusing on my dissertation and research! The topic is set. It is a qualitative study about international students at Ed Leadership programs in Colorado. Apparently, it's an understudied topic and there's no related literature about it. I'd like to undestand what support students like me would need in their programs and how Ed Leadrship programs can do to support the int'l students. As far as I know, most Ed Leadership programs are still keeping the same model which was created for local students and int'l students aren't necessarily satisfied about the curriculum. Because the program design is too Americanized. How do we take the things we learn back to our countries???
Anyways, after all that, I'm just writing to remember today. After 7 hours of class even with the help of the standing desk, my back sores... So I found a stretching video to do and it felt awesoome! (See comment) Please comment and wish me good luck and I can graduate next year! Happy weekend.
