When I went to Varanasi in 2012 for the first time, the hustle-bustle startled me. I watched all the cars, bikes, and motorcycles racing past me and I wasn't able to cross the street. I said to God, "well, God, I think I'm done with India. It's enough that I came here once in a lifetime." However, God's plans are higher than mine, and humorous, too.
I ended up working in the Taiwan Education Center (TEC) in India at the OP Jindal Global University in Sonipat, Haryana, India, for three years between 2013-2016. In the meantime, I also got myself a handsome Dehraduni husband, Louis, who went to Taiwan for his 2-year studies. Many told me that India is incredible, I say to them, we're also incredible that we're bounded to an amazing nation that would change our lives.
The work at TEC was such a great time for me. I got to meet many awesome college students and learn from them about their cultures, values, and of course, Hindi. During those three years, I hosted events and classes to promote Mandarin Chinese and the culture of Taiwan. Several students went to study in Taiwan and had a blast. My hope is to build connections and collaborations between Taiwan and India in higher education. Therefore, we also assisted in online learning and sister school partnerships. Sometimes, I feel that I didn't give India as much as I received from her. Wherever I go, I carry India in my heart and can't stop talking about all the stories that I had there. When I started making my podcasts Chai with Ping and 香料茶時間, I also make sure that I get my friends to share their India stories.
I pray for blessings for India that she may grow in prosperity and continue to advance in various ways. Happy 75th Independence Day of India!
印度啊印度,我真是對你又愛又恨。當我2012年去到瓦納西看到車水馬龍的交通時,我認真跟上帝說,人一生來一次印度就夠了,我想我可以去下一個地方了。結果,鐵齒反倒鐵板踢,我隔年 2013年去印度的台灣教育中心擔任華語老師,從簽了一學期,延長再延長,默默簽到三年。而且還賺到一個印度帥老公 Louis,他後來也因為我到了新竹去念碩士班。說到這裡,應該就看出我與印度那錯綜複雜的情感了吧。
在印度工作期間,我十分開心,看著學生進步、對我們的語言文化好奇與有興趣,也有很大的成就感。我總是不斷不斷的跟他們介紹自己的家鄉、食物與各式話題。漸漸的,也有學生因為台灣中心申請到台灣留學,每次他們跟我們聊起台灣都眉飛色舞的。做為老師的我,也覺得餘有榮焉。印度也幫助了我定意要在教育領域進修,建立台印間的高等教育交流與合作,並有朝一日能為其貢獻一點我的微薄之力。每當我跟朋友聊起印度,都有種獨特的悸動,雖說印度的生活辛苦一點,但大大的擴張了我的眼界。在我做起播客節目 Chai with Ping 與 香料茶時間時,我仍不忘邀請各路朋友分享他們的印度故事。